Here's my update for Saturday, June 22, 2024:

Do you ever witness to others? Is salvation only about us personally? What does God expect of you?

I know of pastors who keep track records of how many people they have converted! What do you think God thinks of this?

It's not us who changes lives, but him and his word.

I prefer to tell others by my words, writing and life.

Here's some great news, at least in my estimation: I have recorded and edited a new Audiobook. Here's the Player:

AUDIOBOOK. Play time: 2 hours 20 minutes + or -​

As always, it's free and playable anytime. Warning: Not for Children! Some images in this book are tough enough for adults. So, please preview beforehand. Thank you!​ You can also find it on the Front Page, so beware! This is not intended for Children.​​​



Elbert (Earl) Hardy