Welcome to the Audiobook of ACTS

Elbert (Earl) Hardy
Play Entire Book of Acts
         (about 3 Hours of Play Time)
Today's Agenda:
Jesus Ascends into Heaven
Judas' Successor Chosen
The Holy Spirit is Given
Peter's Address at Pentecost
Life among the Believers
Peter's Address in Solomon's Porch
The Believers Pray for Boldness
All Things in Common
Many Signs and Wonders Performed
Today's Agenda:
The Apostles Persecuted
The Arrest of Stephen
Stephens’ Defense Speech
The Stoning of Stephen
The Gospel Preached in Samaria
Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
Jesus Calls Saul
Today's Agenda:
Jesus Calls Saul cont.
Saul Preaches at Damascus,
Escapes from the Jews
Saul at Jerusalem
Aeneas Healed
Dorcas Restored to Life
Peter's Address in Cornelius' House
The Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit
The Church at Antioch
Peter Delivered from Prison
The Death of Herod
Today's Agenda: 
The Apostles Preach in Cyprus
Paul and Barnabas at Antioch of Pisidia
Paul Stoned at Lystra
The Return to Antioch in Syria
Paul Separates from Barnabas and
Begins the Second Missionary Journey
Paul's Vision of the Man of Macedonia
The Imprisonment at Philippi
Today's Agenda:
The Apostles in Jail
The Apostles at Berea
Paul at Athens
Apollos Preaches at Ephesus
The Riot at Ephesus
Paul's Farewell Visit at Troas
Today's Agenda:
The Voyage from Troas to Miletus
Paul's Address to the Ephesians
Paul Arrested in the Temple
Paul's Defense before the People
Paul Tells of His Conversion
Paul's Call to the Gentiles
Paul in the Custody of the Chief Captain
Paul before the Council
The Plot against Paul's Life
Paul Sent to Felix the Governor
Today's Agenda:
Paul Before Felix
Paul Brought before Agrippa and Bernice
Paul Tells of His Conversion
Paul's Witness to Jews and Gentiles
Paul Appeals to Agrippa to Believe
The Storm at Sea
The Shipwreck
Paul Arrives at Rome
Paul Preaches in Rome
Note: For our readers who would like to read the text along with listening, just go to my book 'WHY JESUS MATTERS NOW' Episodes 21 thru 27 or click HERE. Thanks, Elbert